At AIF Alternative Invest Finance AG, we belie­ve that a UCITS fund is the ulti­ma­te finan­cial pro­duct. UCITS funds are the new gold stan­dard for inves­tors see­king pro­tec­tion, liqui­di­ty and dai­ly valuation.

UCITS is an invest­ment fund pro­duct regu­la­ted by the European Union. This regu­la­to­ry struc­tu­re has made UCITS a simp­le, effi­ci­ent and trans­pa­rent invest­ment tool for indi­vi­du­als and insti­tu­ti­ons see­king expo­sure to European equi­ty mar­kets. Over the past 30 years, UCITS has beco­me one of the most suc­cessful finan­cial pro­ducts of modern times.

  1. Common Standards
    When you invest in a UCITS fund, you buy a high­ly regu­la­ted invest­ment tool that cor­re­sponds to a strict stan­dard work. Investors can buy with con­fi­dence, kno­wing that the European Commission has deve­lo­ped and con­ti­nues to impro­ve the­se invest­ment standards.
  2. Diversification
    By natu­re, UCITS funds offer grea­ter diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on than indi­vi­du­al stocks and bonds. When you buy a UCITS fund, you buy a bas­ket of assets that have the poten­ti­al to grow in value.
  3. Professional Management
    Simply said, this means UCITS fund stocks and posi­ti­ons are sel­ec­ted and off­set by a fund mana­ger. The job of invest­ment experts is to find the hig­hest poten­ti­al out­co­me for accep­ta­ble mar­ket risk. They are wat­ching the mar­kets around the clock to find invest­ments that might other­wi­se be missed.
  4. Liquidity
    Almost 75 of all small invest­ments in Europe are inves­ted in UCITS funds. This lar­ge pool of poten­ti­al buy­ers and sel­lers means UCITS funds should have lower invest­ment cos­ts and a tigh­ter bid ask spread than when tra­ding less liquid, unre­gu­la­ted funds. This also means invest­ment trusts are rea­di­ly available after a sale, with most inves­tors recei­ving their funds within two to five busi­ness days.
  5. Investment Diversity
    UCITS funds cover a varie­ty of invest­ment tools, from mana­ged index funds to reti­re­ment funds for inves­tors see­king relia­ble inco­me. There are near­ly 36,000 funds curr­ent­ly traded and new funds appear weekly.
  6. Investor Protection
    Every invest­ment car­ri­es a mar­ket risk, but the con­su­mer pro­tec­tion pro­vi­ded by UCITS is among the stron­gest in the world.
    The European Commission has set strict gui­de­lines for the type of assets that can be held by coll­ec­ti­ve invest­ment orga­nisms in trans­fera­ble secu­ri­ties. The “5/10/40 rule” for UCITS funds means that no more than 10% of the fund’s assets may be inves­ted in an issuer’s secu­ri­ties, and that invest­ments of more than 5% of an issuer can­not account for more than 40% of the enti­re port­fo­lio.
    Fund mana­gers are requi­red by law to be cau­tious in their invest­ment decis­i­ons, i.e. they have an over­view of all risks in the mar­ket and are able to respond when the risk-reward ratio beco­mes unsta­ble.
    After all, the trans­pa­rent natu­re of the­se funds is. Fund com­pa­nies are requi­red to publish docu­men­ta­ti­on of the funds’ assets, hol­dings and risk pro­jec­tions, as well as the essen­ti­al inves­tor infor­ma­ti­on. These reports are published every six months to ensu­re inves­tors under­stand fund com­po­si­ti­on, port­fo­lio manage­ment acti­vi­ties and performance.

We offer the fol­lo­wing UCITS funds:

Blockchain Fund


Provides inves­tors with access to com­pa­nies rela­ted to block­chain tech­no­lo­gy, UCITS-enabled cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es and non-physical pre­cious metals. 

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found on


CoCo Alpha Fund

Provides inves­tors with a diver­si­fied bas­ket of bonds hand-selected for today’s his­to­ri­cal­ly low inte­rest rate envi­ron­ment. This approach com­bi­nes bottom-up secu­ri­ties sel­ec­tion with a dyna­mic sec­tor allo­ca­ti­on to gene­ra­te pre­dic­ta­ble returns for investors. 

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found on

PAM Alpha Fund

PAM Alpha Fund

Provides inves­tors with access to a long-standing, suc­cessful and uni­que US long-short index stra­tegy. This stra­tegy is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the medium-to-longer term vola­ti­le stock mar­kets and uses short-term move­ments within the S&P®500 to pro­vi­de inves­tors with a tru­ly alpha-enabled stra­tegy in the medi­um term. 

For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit

PAM Long Only Fund

PAM Long Only Fund

For inves­tors loo­king for a long-only approach, this fund fits per­fect­ly. Since 2003, it has used a rules-based and ful­ly sys­te­ma­tic smart beta (long-cash) approach to pro­tect capi­tal inves­ted by inves­tors as much as pos­si­ble (cash pha­ses) and to con­ti­nue to build in the medi­um term (long pha­ses). It is a high­ly liquid fund with a low cor­re­la­ti­on with other refe­rence indexes. 

More infor­ma­ti­on can be found on

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