Blockchain News - 3

The blockchain earns the popularity across crowdfunding sector

The blockchain-based pro­jects are chan­ging the crowd­fun­ding sec­tor by crea­ting glo­bal crowd­fun­ding com­mu­ni­ty and a mar­ket­place for ever­yo­ne by decen­tra­li­zed block­chain for tran­sac­tion veri­fi­ca­ti­on. The evi­dence of gro­wing inte­rests in the blockchain-based crowd­fun­ding initia­ti­ves comes from the movie BRAID that beca­me the first influ­en­ti­al fea­ture film to be finan­ced through a token “crowd­sa­le” on the Ethereum block­chain through its $1.7M cam­paign.  Furthermore, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are regard­ed as ano­ther exam­p­le of blockchain-based crowd­fun­ding.  It means that com­pa­nies can sell cryptocurrency-backed tokens in their com­pa­nies in the same man­ner as a publicly-traded com­pa­ny sells stock. OpenLedger, the start­up, ser­ves as an exam­p­le of a com­pa­ny that makes that possible.

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