The company

AIF Alternativ Invest Finance AGis one of the first inde­pen­dent asset manage­ment com­pa­nies in   Liechtenstein. Since 2006, we have offe­red a wide ran­ge of invest­ment stra­te­gies and solu­ti­ons for pri­va­te cli­ents, insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors and cor­po­ra­te cli­ents worldwide.

We belie­ve that, abo­ve all, sta­tis­ti­cal­ly rigo­rous and robust mar­ket ana­ly­sis relia­bly iden­ti­fies con­ti­nuous sources of alpha that exist due to inef­fi­ci­en­ci­es in the beha­vi­or of mar­ket participants.
We take a pre­do­mi­nant­ly quan­ti­ta­ti­ve approach to all aspects of trading.
Strategy sel­ec­tion, port­fo­lio con­s­truc­tion, exe­cu­ti­on and risk con­trol are usual­ly accom­pa­nied by algo­rith­mic and sys­te­ma­tic processes. 

Our goal is to achie­ve a con­sis­tent, abso­lu­te return with an uncor­re­la­ted or nega­tively cor­re­la­ted per­for­mance result com­pared to various U.S. indi­ces such as the S&P 500 index or the U.S. Government Bond index, as well as hedge fund indices.
Our tra­ding pro­grams offer clear diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on benefits. 

Investors who added our tra­ding stra­te­gies to their port­fo­li­os bene­fi­ted from above-average ear­nings in the medi­um to long term, while redu­cing risk of their over­all port­fo­lio (posi­ti­ve cor­re­la­ti­on effects).

We offer UCITS funds that have an excel­lent long-term track record, dai­ly liqui­di­ty, and low to no cor­re­la­ti­on with other mar­ket indices.
Brokerage ser­vices for fixed-income and struc­tu­red pro­ducts com­ple­te the invest­ment offering. 

We invest glo­bal­ly and pri­ma­ri­ly take a long/short approach, based on tech­ni­cal­ly sel­ec­ted invest­ments – we don’t cha­se mar­ket novel­ties as a mat­ter of principle.
Our invest­ment stra­te­gies are based on long-term track records.
Clients under­stand our pro­ces­ses and port­fo­li­os becau­se they are transparent.
Systematic ana­ly­sis models are, among other things, the basis of our invest­ment perspective. 

Using our PAM funds as an exam­p­le, risk con­trol is both proac­ti­ve and reactive.
Proactive risk con­trols include rest­ric­tions on levera­ge and posi­ti­on sca­ling, ali­gned with pro­duct vola­ti­li­ty and return targets. 

Our typi­cal expo­sure is about 1/4 of the maxi­mum expo­sure, and some­ti­mes our stra­te­gies can be com­ple­te­ly out of the market.
Proactive risk con­trol con­ti­nues to be pro­vi­ded through stra­tegy diversification.
Reactive risk con­trols invol­ve a stop loss on positions. 

Established finan­cial cen­tres such as New York, London and Singapore are incre­asing­ly facing com­pe­ti­ti­on from inno­va­ti­ve, tax-friendly and well-regulated eco­no­mies around the globe.
We expect this trend to con­ti­nue as long as tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ces con­ti­nue to decen­tra­li­ze the finan­cial industry. 

Due to its reco­g­nis­ed regu­la­to­ry envi­ron­ment, an attrac­ti­ve tax sys­tem and its geo­gra­phi­cal loca­ti­on, Liechtenstein is rapidly rising in the finan­cial world.
There are no inco­me taxes on assets under manage­ment at the fund level.
Funds are not sub­ject to VAT, and funds can even be con­side­red tax-exempt par­ties .
Finally, the­re are no with­hol­ding taxes to be paid on divi­dend distributions.
In addi­ti­on, the cor­po­ra­te inco­me tax in Liechtenstein is only 12.5% — signi­fi­cant­ly lower than in many neigh­bor­ing count­ries.

The offi­ci­al lan­guage is German, the offi­ci­al cur­ren­cy is the Swiss franc, and the coun­try has deep eco­no­mic ties to Switzerland and the European Economic Area.
As a neigh­bour of Switzerland, Liechtenstein has long been asso­cia­ted with the Swiss ban­king sec­tor and the talen­ted employees who bring it to life.
For inves­tors, this means that fund mana­gers based in Liechtenstein are likely to be among the best and brigh­test talents in the finan­cial industry.
At AIF Alternativ Invest Finance AG, we are proud of our roots in Liechtenstein. 

Liechtenstein is one of only 12 count­ries in the world to recei­ve the hig­hest cre­dit rating of AAA from Standard & Poor’s.
This cre­dit rating is lar­ge­ly due to the fact that Liechtenstein has abso­lut­e­ly no public debt .
Since 2008, public debt has risen glo­bal­ly and it is almost impos­si­ble to find ano­ther deve­lo­ped eco­no­my that has abso­lut­e­ly no debt on its public balan­ce sheet.
In addi­ti­on to this eco­no­mic sta­bi­li­ty, the­re is a poli­ti­cal envi­ron­ment that pro­vi­des a high degree of legal cer­tain­ty for new and exis­ting companies.
As a result, retail inves­tors do not have to worry about regime chan­ge or poli­ti­cal uphe­aval when choo­sing an inde­pen­dent asset mana­ger in Liechtenstein. 

The team

René Sapper

René Sapper

Managing Director

Philipp Strasser

Philipp Strasser

Financial Officer

Dirk Biermann

Dirk Biermann

Operations Officer

Christian Holzner

Christian Holzner

Technical Officer

Everardo Gemmi

Everardo Gemmi

Head of Sales

Nehat Sadiki

Nehat Sadiki

Business Development

Magdalena Zangerle

Magdalena Zangerle

Assistant to Management

The team

René Sapper

René Sapper

Managing Director

Philipp Strasser

Philipp Strasser

Financial Officer

Dirk Biermann

Dirk Biermann

Operations Officer

Christian Holzner

Christian Holzner

Technical Officer

Everardo Gemmi

Everardo Gemmi

Head of Sales

Nehat Sadiki

Nehat Sadiki

Business Development

Magdalena Zangerle

Magdalena Zangerle

Assistant to Management

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