Supervisory authorities

AIF Alternative Invest Management AG (“AIF”) is an asset mana­ger super­vi­sed and licen­sed by the FMA-Liechtenstein Financial Market Supervisor. As a mem­ber of the Association of Independent Asset Managers in Liechtenstein, or VuVL for short, we are also bound by its Code of Professional Conduct, which can be acces­sed under

In addi­ti­on, “AIF” is an affi­lia­ted par­ti­ci­pant in the inves­tor com­pen­sa­ti­on sche­me, or EAS for short, which is ope­ra­ted by the Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Foundation SV (FL-0002.039.614 ‑1) and com­pli­es with EU law. Further infor­ma­ti­on is available on the Foundation’s home­page at .

Offer Restriction

The infor­ma­ti­on published on the web­site does not con­sti­tu­te a soli­ci­ta­ti­on, offer or recom­men­da­ti­on to purcha­se or sell invest­ment instru­ments or enga­ge in other transactions.

The con­tent of this web­site is not inten­ded for per­sons sub­ject to a legal sys­tem pro­hi­bi­ting publi­ca­ti­on or access to the Website (on the basis of the natio­na­li­ty of the per­son con­cer­ned, their place of resi­dence or other reasons). People who are sub­ject to such rest­ric­tions are not allo­wed to access this website.

No Guarantee

The available infor­ma­ti­on is com­pi­led by “AIF” with the utmost care. However, “AIF” does not gua­ran­tee the cor­rect­ness, com­ple­ten­ess and time­line­ss of the infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned on the web­sites. The con­tent of the web­site can be chan­ged at any time and wit­hout any pri­or announce­ments. The infor­ma­ti­on on this web­site does not con­sti­tu­te a decision-making tool. When making invest­ment decis­i­ons, plea­se seek advice from qua­li­fied people.

Risk / Warning

The value of invest­ments can rise or fall. The future per­for­mance of invest­ments can­not be deri­ved from past pri­ce deve­lo­p­ments. Investments in for­eign cur­ren­ci­es are also sub­ject to cur­ren­cy fluc­tua­tions. Investments with high vola­ti­li­ty can be expo­sed to high pri­ce fluc­tua­tions. The pre­ser­va­ti­on of inves­ted capi­tal can­not the­r­e­fo­re be guaranteed.


“AIF” shall in no way be lia­ble (inclu­ding negli­gence) for any loss or dama­ge (spe­ci­fi­cal­ly direct and con­se­quen­ti­al dama­ge) of any kind ari­sing from or in con­nec­tion with access to the use or retrie­val of the web­site or links con­tai­ned the­r­ein. Third par­ty web­sites could emerge.

Conciliation Board

It is very important to us that you are satis­fied with our ser­vice. If this is not the case, we ask for infor­ma­ti­on on your side. However, the con­ci­lia­ti­on board in the finan­cial ser­vices sec­tor is also available to you. It can be cont­ac­ted at:

Dr Peter Wolff
Mitteldorf 1
9490 Vaduz

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