Blockchain: Disruptive Technology Forward Together

Blockchain is not just the basis of the cryp­to­cur­ren­cy Bitcoin. Blockchain is much more: With this com­bi­na­ti­on of pro­cess and tech­no­lo­gy, things of any kind can be traded quick­ly and low-risk.

A block­chain is a kind of digi­tal data­ba­se for tran­sac­tions bet­ween mul­ti­ple devices that accu­ra­te­ly cap­tu­re each chan­ge and stores it trans­par­ent­ly and decen­tra­li­zed on the par­ti­ci­pa­ting com­pu­ters. The stored infor­ma­ti­on is hard­ly mani­pulable in this way and the inte­gri­ty of the data­ba­se is ensu­red. Due to its encrypt­ed design, the pro­cess is curr­ent­ly the tech­ni­cal basis for cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es and can ensu­re the secu­ri­ty of finan­cial transactions.

Transactions can be any kind of infor­ma­ti­on, such as values of a cur­ren­cy, Immo land regis­ters, Wikipedia ent­ries, art objects or con­tracts. Crucially, sub­se­quent tran­sac­tions build on pre­vious tran­sac­tions and con­firm them as cor­rect by pro­vi­ding know­ledge of the earlier
Transaction prove.

Hardly more than two years ago, IT insi­ders at most a house­hold name, the topic of block­chain is curr­ent­ly beco­ming more and more a block­bus­ter with enorm­ous explo­si­ve power. The tech­no­lo­gy has the poten­ti­al to beco­me as revo­lu­tio­na­ry for tran­sac­tions as the Internet for the exch­an­ge of information.

The aim is to make value chains and busi­ness pro­ces­ses fas­ter, more trans­pa­rent, more direct and, abo­ve all, che­a­per. More and more com­pa­nies are thin­king about how tech­no­lo­gy can trans­form their ope­ra­ting model or impro­ve their stra­te­gic direc­tion and value proposition.

This was a short excerpt from the news­let­ter 01/2018, which descri­bes the block­chain basics and their are­as of application.

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